Mother's Day Gift Idea

Mother's Day 2006 - for 2008, please visit our homepage

What is the perfect Mother's Day gift idea?

Is it: a Mother's Day card with a handwritten Mother's Day poem or Mother's Day song tucked inside - and a coupon for pizza?

Or perhaps: a Mother's Day gift basket simply filled with flowers, jewelry, photo album or special Mother's Day picture or personalized craft project along with a pair of comfy pajamas?

Pizza and Pajamas Mother's Day 2006 suggestion: 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep! That's right Sleep! Millions of moms suffer from lack of sleep. Moms are the CEO of the family and they cannot afford to have sleep deprivation. Read a recent article about “The Quest for Rest” to discover some reasons for why women can't sleep.

Although Pizza and Pajamas does not profess to be a sleep expert, we would like to serve up a Mother's Day brunch recipe we refer to as Mom's sleep aid. Click on the pizza box below to see how easy it is to prepare our overnight seafood brunch recipe. Dads and teenagers can just put this delicious and easy strata recipe dish into the oven to bake. Cooking brunch can take place - all while Mom is sleeping.

Happy Mother's Day!